Travelling Squares 
Mainstream Square Dance Club.
Meet Our Caller - 
Garry Dodds
In the spring of 1965, while living at CFB Cold Lake (Medley), Alberta, I found some singing call records, which my mother had borrowed, and had some fun singing along with them.That fall, I learned to dance with a teen club which had just formed and I called my first tip in December 1965.
During the next year, I produced a weekly 1/2 hour Square Dance Radio Program at CHCL Radio, where I was working part-time. Assisting my tutor, Bud Hickson, we started a class in Bonnyville, Alberta, which became the club known as the Beaux & Belles. In 1966, Bud and Chet MacKay conducted a Callers Clinic on the Base, which I completed.
I moved to Victoria in the summer of 1968 to attend University, and became involved with the Swinging Singles and continued calling under the guidance of Ron Tucknott and Dave Routley.
In 1970, I started calling for the Salty Wheels on Salt Spring Island, and in 1971 started a class in Sooke called the Sooke Rustlers.
Just after I graduated from the University of Victoria in 1972,
I started a club at UVic called the Tangle Foot Twisters.
In spring of 1974, the Triple C's asked me to become their club caller.
In 1977, while helping John Corrigan to learn to call, we started a workshop group for some dancers who wanted to learn some of the new experimental moves that were being written, and were willing to let us practice on them. This group became Victoria's first Plus club - the Star Twirlers.
In September 1999 I started calling for the Diamond Squares of Ladysmith (Mainstream). Along with this, I was to act as host caller for the Country Maples Campout when it was Diamond Squares turn to host it.
In 2001, a long time friend and cuer, Pat Zeeman began cueing with me for Star Twirlers. This partnership worked well, on and off the stage, and Pat began to cue at all of the dance functions that I was calling for.She was quickly accepted by both the Star Twirlers and the Diamond Squares as their cuer.In 2003, we were asked to be the host caller / cuer for the Country Maples 20th anniversary year as the Travelling Squares Caller was unable to do the job.
I have been honoured by being the featured caller in a number of functions including:
Kitsap Square Dance Council Labour Day weekend Campout (Bremerton Wa.)
Two trips to Whitehorse, Yk.
Circle 8's Square Dance Club in Quesnel
MacKenzie Promenaders, MacKenzie BC
Sam Steel Days in Cranbrooke BC
UVISDA Association Dances
In the fall of 2003 the Travelling Squares of Nanaimo asked Pat and I to become their caller/cuer and in January 2004 we began to call and cue for them.
In addition, I have appeared on the B.C Square Dance Jamboree program for 10 years and have called at various Festivals and Conventions throughout Canada and the U.S.
I also had a small business which stocked Square Dance clothing & supplies including square and round dance records.
I joined the Victoria & District Caller-Teachers Association in November 1969, and became Treasurer in 1973. In 1974, we took on the position of Lottery Ticket Chairman for the Association, and held the position for 10 years.I have since served as Treasurer, Round Dance Chairman and Vice- President.
I joined Callerlab in 1978 and currently serve on the Plus Committee, the Canadian Caller Liaison Committee and the Caller Training Committee.I am currently working towards developing my caller training skills with the goal of becoming accredited by Callerlab as a Caller Coach.In preparation for this goal, I worked with Daryl Clendenin at his Caller’s School in 1997, 2006, 2008 and conducted a Callers’ School in Nanaimo in September 2003 and 2007.
In addition, I am a member of Shadow Casters (A1) and have been attending as many campouts as possible including Circle 8 Ranch Plus weekend with Daryl Clendenin, Jerry Junck and Doug Davis.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of the dancers that have supported me and made the past 45 years so enjoyable.Would not have made it without you.